Adornment or Armor

There are those in our current cultural moment who wear Jesus like a nice adornment worn around their life, like a scarf or necktie?  Gentle Jesus draped around the neck goes so well with the “good person” belt and “world peace” shoes.

Such adornment is dangerous indeed.  This present darkness is ruled by spiritual forces of evil whose goal is your torment (Ephesians 6:10-20).  Standing firm against such forces requires strength beyond anything we can muster on our own.  It certainly takes more than an adornment will deliver.  It takes the strength that comes from Jesus and from His might.  It takes His truth, His righteousness, His shalom, His faith, His salvation, His word.

His full armor.

If you don’t believe the Bible, please do not slander our Lord by treating Jesus like some nice adornment.  If you don’t believe His word you don’t know Him.

If you do believe the Bible you know that God will not be mocked.  Jesus will not be used as an accessory.  He will be your Lord or your Judge.  You decide.

As for me and my house, we will choose the Lord.