The New Abnormal

A careful perusal of the news, all the news, not just the opinion filled and filtered news we’ve all become so distrustful of, warns of storm clouds rising.  There are wars and rumors of wars too numerous to catalog here.  Locusts, failed crops, and pig flu threatening future famine at levels the world has rarely if ever seen.

And we have allowed ourselves to be divided and stirred into raging hate, ridiculing any thought that is not aligned with a defined narrative, burning books before they are even written if the author is not perfectly aligned with that same narrative. Twisting the meaning of words so that up is down and bad is good.

This is not a “New Normal” we have chosen to enter, it is a “New Abnormal”.  A world of violence and hatred.  Where being mean is justified and encouraged.  If you did not believe in the total depravity of man before, have a careful look at the news.

There is, however, hope.