When you step away from the fray and look back, the Left-Right Mythology in this country makes no sense at all and is very dangerous.
Those who the media declare as far-left call themselves socialists, a political structure which involves removal and redistribution of the people’s resources based on the dictates of central planners. These far-left spokesmen promote “free” resources and yet nothing is actually free, someone’s labor results in its availability.
Those who the media declare as far-right call themselves nationalists, a political structure that promotes the national interests over those of the individual. Interestingly enough these far-right spokesmen, promote policies which you guested it, removes and redistributes the people’s resources based on the dictates of central planners.
Both sides claim to represent the “working man” while making wild strawman claims about the other side, lining people up within this deceptive spectrum. Given that over half of the labor of the middle class of this country is removed and redistributed by central planners, the ploy has been very effective. And the result is that the two structures mingle together to drive our policies.
This has happened before.
Do an Internet search on National Socialist Workers Party.